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مكتبة المكونات

For more than 60 years, Clarins has known that with plants, you can make beauty grow. That with science, you can cultivate a unique synergy, calibrating the potency of plant extracts and combining them into a powerful fusion that didn’t exist before. Our herbarium is made up of hundreds of plants with exceptional properties and grows each year as new discoveries are made. We explore each part - stems, leaves, flowers, seeds and fruit - and are skilled in the art of combining their active ingredients in the best way possible, using active molecules for the star power they bring. We always prioritize plant extracts that are organically grown and use green extraction methods as much as possible, guaranteeing the effectiveness, safety and sensoriality of our formulas with just the right concentration of synthetic ingredients. Nature has no limits. And when it comes to the expertise of our products, neither do we.
3 Ingredients
مسح الكل
الخصائص التجميلية
ترتيب الأحرف
المصادر المستدامة
وظيفة المكون
المزيد من الفلاتر
الترتيب حسب:
3 Ingredients
  • النعناع الحقلي-زيت النعناع الحقلي العطري-Mentha arvensis leaf oil
  • النعناع الحقلي-المينتول-Menthol
  • الوردة الدمشقية-ماء الوردة الدمشقية-Rosa damascena flower water
You have viewed 3 of 3 ingredients

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