رمضان -
جديدنا -
منتجات للعناية بالبشرة -
المكياج -
الهدايا والأطقم -
العروض -
المنتجع الخاص (سبا) والخدمات الافتراضية -
تتبع منتجاتك
Living beautifully means also caring about the environment and social issues. That’s why we created the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform
(traceability- responsability - uniqueness - security -transparency) which allows you to trace your Clarins products from the field to you.
You can discover how the ingredients were grown, in what conditions (organic, Fair Trade, Domaine Clarins) - also, how your product was conceived, from the preparation of the formula to the shipping of the product.
This traceability initiative fits perfectly into the Clarins values of transparency that have been at the core of the brand’s success. By using your smartphone camera, you can scan the QR code on the packaging which will direct you straight to the product page on our website. From there, you can click on the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. link and trace the journey of the product- where it comes from, its sourcing and see how Clarins lives up to its values of transparency. To emphasise our commitment, all the data is secured on a blockchain. Live beautifully, live sustainably!
(traceability- responsability - uniqueness - security -transparency) which allows you to trace your Clarins products from the field to you.
You can discover how the ingredients were grown, in what conditions (organic, Fair Trade, Domaine Clarins) - also, how your product was conceived, from the preparation of the formula to the shipping of the product.
This traceability initiative fits perfectly into the Clarins values of transparency that have been at the core of the brand’s success. By using your smartphone camera, you can scan the QR code on the packaging which will direct you straight to the product page on our website. From there, you can click on the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. link and trace the journey of the product- where it comes from, its sourcing and see how Clarins lives up to its values of transparency. To emphasise our commitment, all the data is secured on a blockchain. Live beautifully, live sustainably!
نوع البشرة
احتباس الماء للجسم (1) -
الإشراق والطاقة في الوجه (2) -
الترطيب والراحة للجسم (5) -
ترطيب الوجه (2) -
حساسية الوجه (1) -
شد الجسم (4) -
فترة الحمل للجسم (1) -
مسامات البشرة الدهنية في الوجه (1) -
مقاومة التقدم في السنّ في الوجه (8)
الفئة العمرية
المزيد من الفلاتر
كريم العيون "بريشس"
15 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 656,00
د.إ 656,00
المنتج الاستثنائي المقاوم لعلامات تقدم سن البشرة الذي يعمل على شدّ المنطقة المحيطة بالعينين واستعادة حيوية البشرة لإطلالة أكثر شباباً وتألقاً.
كريم بريشس المرطب
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 1.538,00
د.إ 1.538,00
يؤمن عناية استثنائية لمقاومة علامات تقدم سن البشرة للحفاظ على بشرتكِ وتعزيز إشراقتها بعمق لإطلالةٍ أكثر شباباً.
كريم "إكسترا أوردنير" للجسم
200 ml
السعر السابق هو د.إ 231,00
د.إ 231,00
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 161,70
د.إ 161,70
كريم الجسم المرطِب والمعطر بنفحات الزهور والفاكهة لمستحضر "أو إكسترا أوردينير".
كريم النهار "سوبر ريستورتيف" عامل حماية 15
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 631,00
د.إ 631,00
كريم النهار للشد المقاوم للترهلات والمكافح للتجاعيد مع عامل وقاية من الشمس لسن الخمسين فأكثر.
كريم الليل "سوبر ريستورتيف" للبشرة الجافة جداً
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 656,00
د.إ 656,00
الكريم الليلي للشد المقاوم للترهلات والمكافح للتجاعيد للبشرة الجافة.
كريم الليل "سوبر ريستورتيف" جميع أنواع البشرة
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 656,00
د.إ 656,00
الكريم الليلي المقاوم للترهلات والمكافح للتجاعيد لسن الخمسين فأكثر.
كريم النهار "سوبر ريستورتيف" للبشرة الجافة جداً
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 631,00
د.إ 631,00
كريم النهار للشد المقاوم للترهلات والمكافح للتجاعيد للبشرة الجافة لسن الخمسين فأكثر.
كريم النهار "سوبر ريستورتيف" جميع أنواع البشرة
50 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 631,00
د.إ 631,00
كريم النهار المقاوم للترهلات والمكافح للتجاعيد لسن الخمسين فأكثر.
Tonic Hydrating Oil-Balm
200 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 231,00
د.إ 231,00
بلسم الجسم المرطِّب بالزيوت العطرية لبشرة متناسقة.
مقشر جسم منشط
250 g
السعر السابق هو د.إ 231,00
د.إ 231,00
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 161,70
د.إ 161,70
مقشِّر الجسم بالزيوت العطرية لتجديد البشرة.
بريشس "لا لوشن"
150 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 506,00
د.إ 506,00
بلسم طبيعي مرطب بخواص منعشة وفعَّالة: مستحضر أساسي يُهيئ البشرة لامتصاص العناصر المرطبة وتحقيق الاستفادة الكاملة منه.
زيت الجسم العلاجي "كونتور بودي"، "يبرز الملامح/يقوي"
100 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 316,00
د.إ 316,00
استرخاء ونعومة وإزالة للسموم. تحديد ملامح الجسم بالزيوت العطرية.
زيت تونيك العلاجي للشد/توحيد اللون
100 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 316,00
د.إ 316,00
زيت شد للجسم يضبط المرونة ويحسّنها، ما يجعله مثاليًا لإزالة علامات التمدد. بمستخلصات نباتية نقية 100%.
زيت "ريلاكس"العلاجي - يلطف/ يهدئ
100 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 316,00
د.إ 316,00
يريح ويهدّئ وينعّم. بمستخلصات نباتية خالصة بنسبة 100%.
زيت "بلو أوركيد" العلاجي للوجه، للبشرة التي تعاني من الجفاف
30 ml
السعر الحالي هو د.إ 252,00
د.إ 252,00
زيت الوجه للبشرة التي تعاني من الجفاف مصنوع من مستخلصات نباتية خالصة بنسبة 100%
لقد شاهدت 17 من 17 من المنتجات
What you’ll find on T.R.U.S.T.
Does the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform apply to both skincare and makeup products?
For now, the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform only applies to skincare products. The roll out of Clarins T.R.U.S.T. will be progressive, but as a priority, Clarins has made the decision to incorporate ingredients in skincare formulas over the short term.
Will all of Clarins’ skincare products be included?
Clarins T.R.U.S.T platform is based on blockchain technology, which only applies to products manufactured by Clarins. Our goal is to incorporate all of our skincare products into Clarins T.R.U.S.T. by 2025, with the exception of subcontracted products manufactured by independent companies. We work with subcontractors when product development requires a savoir-faire or specific processes that cannot be carried out at our site in Pontoise. All of our subcontracted products respect the same strict quality criteria as products developed internally.
For now, the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform only applies to skincare products. The roll out of Clarins T.R.U.S.T. will be progressive, but as a priority, Clarins has made the decision to incorporate ingredients in skincare formulas over the short term.
Will all of Clarins’ skincare products be included?
Clarins T.R.U.S.T platform is based on blockchain technology, which only applies to products manufactured by Clarins. Our goal is to incorporate all of our skincare products into Clarins T.R.U.S.T. by 2025, with the exception of subcontracted products manufactured by independent companies. We work with subcontractors when product development requires a savoir-faire or specific processes that cannot be carried out at our site in Pontoise. All of our subcontracted products respect the same strict quality criteria as products developed internally.
Ingredients and formulas
Will all ingredients in product formulas be traceable on Clarins T.R.U.S.T.?
For now, the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform only applies to plant-based ingredients - the basis of our responsible sourcing. Information about other ingredients in the formula - such as preservatives, texture agents or sunscreens - are detailed for each product on the Clarins website.
Why doesn’t Clarins source plants only in France?
At Clarins, we prioritise sourcing in France whenever we can. Sometimes, however, only plants from further afield have the specific properties our phyto-chemists are looking for. Sourcing certain ingredients from countries with a low Human Development Index allows us to support a dozen fair trade programs worldwide, in Madagascar and Burkina Faso to name just two. This helps us to encourage local populations to develop their savoir-faire and local economy while respecting local resources.
For now, the Clarins T.R.U.S.T. platform only applies to plant-based ingredients - the basis of our responsible sourcing. Information about other ingredients in the formula - such as preservatives, texture agents or sunscreens - are detailed for each product on the Clarins website.
Why doesn’t Clarins source plants only in France?
At Clarins, we prioritise sourcing in France whenever we can. Sometimes, however, only plants from further afield have the specific properties our phyto-chemists are looking for. Sourcing certain ingredients from countries with a low Human Development Index allows us to support a dozen fair trade programs worldwide, in Madagascar and Burkina Faso to name just two. This helps us to encourage local populations to develop their savoir-faire and local economy while respecting local resources.
Partners and organic farming
What does “CCF” (Certified Clarins Farm) stand for?
Partners marked ‘CCF’ meet the highest level of requirements for sourcing our plants, as defined in Clarins’ Charter for Responsible Sourcing available on Clarins.com. The criteria are: certified organic agriculture + traceability right down to the harvest area + a long-term contract between Clarins and the supplier.
Why doesn’t Clarins use only organic ingredients?
The Clarins Charter for Responsible Sourcing is based on criteria used for regenerative farming practices, which are even more demanding those used to guarantee organic ingredients. To be classified as compliant with regenerative farming, the processes and ingredients have to protect the environment while respecting local populations, a commitment in line with the Clarins philosophy.
With that said, Clarins prioritises plant extracts harvested using certified organic agriculture. Currently, 59% of our Herbarium is made up of organic plants. We aim to reach 80% by 2025.
For ingredients that are neither organically grown nor certified organic, we work as much as possible to convert them to organic with our suppliers. In 2021 alone, we have supported and confirmed 13 conversions to organic.
Partners marked ‘CCF’ meet the highest level of requirements for sourcing our plants, as defined in Clarins’ Charter for Responsible Sourcing available on Clarins.com. The criteria are: certified organic agriculture + traceability right down to the harvest area + a long-term contract between Clarins and the supplier.
Why doesn’t Clarins use only organic ingredients?
The Clarins Charter for Responsible Sourcing is based on criteria used for regenerative farming practices, which are even more demanding those used to guarantee organic ingredients. To be classified as compliant with regenerative farming, the processes and ingredients have to protect the environment while respecting local populations, a commitment in line with the Clarins philosophy.
With that said, Clarins prioritises plant extracts harvested using certified organic agriculture. Currently, 59% of our Herbarium is made up of organic plants. We aim to reach 80% by 2025.
For ingredients that are neither organically grown nor certified organic, we work as much as possible to convert them to organic with our suppliers. In 2021 alone, we have supported and confirmed 13 conversions to organic.
Manufacturing and product safety
What does the manufacturing date in Clarins T.R.U.S.T. mean?
The manufacturing date refers to the date when the bulk product was packaged. In other words, it is the date your product was filled.
How long is my product safe to use?
At Clarins, the preservation period of all of our cosmetics is set at 36 months when stored in appropriate conditions, unless otherwise noted on the packaging. Check the period after opening [PAO] label (often in the shape of a pot with a number alongside it) on the back of all of our packaging to see how many months your product can be used for after opening at minimum.
The manufacturing date refers to the date when the bulk product was packaged. In other words, it is the date your product was filled.
How long is my product safe to use?
At Clarins, the preservation period of all of our cosmetics is set at 36 months when stored in appropriate conditions, unless otherwise noted on the packaging. Check the period after opening [PAO] label (often in the shape of a pot with a number alongside it) on the back of all of our packaging to see how many months your product can be used for after opening at minimum.
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